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Gluten Sensitivity or Intolerance

I recently suspected that I may have sensitivity to gluten. Actually, I thought this a while back but never really observed my body's response to not eating gluten. I read something or heard something about people that MAY NOT have Celiac Disease but may actually be very sensitive to gluten. Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune disease that occurs in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. Gluten Sensitivity is not this.

Gluten Sensitivity or Intolerance is your body being sensitive or intolerant to gluten.

The website states that Research Estimates 18 Million Americans Have Gluten Sensitivity. They call it Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity.

How do you know if your body is sensitive to gluten?

What I did.

First I researched the information. There is a lot of info on the internet at your fingertips that can help you understand if you may be sensitive to gluten.

So I checked out at least 5-6 different sources. Medical sites, a couple blogs. To get information to determine if what I was suspecting was legitimate.

Some of what I found.

10 symptoms that may suggest you are sensitive or intolerant to gluten.

This is the short version. I strongly suggest you do your research. Below I have listed a few sources for you to investigate.

1. Bloating, gas or abdominal pain

2. Diarrhea or constipation

3. Nausea

4. Chronic Headaches

5. Brain fog

6. Joint pain

7. Numbness in the legs, arms or fingers

8. Fatigue

9. Dermatitis and Other Skin Problems

10. Depression or Anxiety

Now I can honesty say I have had more than half of these symptoms, but not all at once. So to test the water, I just STOPPED EATING GLUTEN to see how I would feel.

Well, my biggest issues where bloating, abdominal pain, gas and constipation, and fatigue. And after one week of a gluten free more vegetarian diet. I have no more constipation, bloating, or abdominal pain. Two weeks, I have more energy than I have had in many years. I actually have trouble sleeping. I don't feel as lethargic. An added bonus, the weight that I have been struggling to lose...the scale is finally moving downward.

Keep in mind, everyone is different and everyone's body is different. This is just my experience. This is a journey. Change is hard and it has taken me years to discover this.



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